Trucos y consejos de UFC 5
Aprende a crear momentos inolvidables con estos trucos y consejos en profundidad para UFC 5. Obtén una ventaja competitiva y lleva tus habilidades con el joystick a un nivel completamente nuevo.
Ground and Pound Offense
Body Strikes
Ground and Pound Offense
Ground and Pound Strikes
Standing Takedown
Building Takedown Grapple Advantage
Block & Guard Breaks
Guard Breaks
Clinch Defense
Escape the Clinch
Standing Takedown
Takedown Grapple Advantage
Clinch Defense
High Block
Clinch Defense
Escape the Cage Clinch
Ground and Pound Offense
Getting into a Ground and Pound Position
Clinch Defense
Low Block and Defending Takedowns
Ground and Pound Offense
Transitions and Submissions
Clinch Defense
Defending Flying Submissions
Strike Vulnerability: Defense
Defensive Strike Vulnerability
Ground and Pound Offense
Standing Takedown
Attempting Takedowns
Standing Takedown
Takedown Drives
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